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Under the Cover of Darkness, IL Legislature Abandons Minor Girls & Their Parents for Big Bucks from Special Interest Groups

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE (10/28/21): Girls' Health First denounces the irresponsible and mercenary vote tonight of the Illinois House to repeal the commonsense Parental Notice of Abortion Act.

Tonight, the Illinois House followed the bad judgment of the Senate and voted 62-51-3 to repeal the commonsense Parental Notice of Abortion Act.

A recent poll showed that nearly three-fourths of Illinoisians support the Parental Notice law. So the Legislature rushed it through by tacking it on as an amendment to another bill that had already passed both chambers. Repeal proponents then pushed it for a vote at 11:30 pm on Wednesday night, during a Fall veto session which had been intended only for considering bills that had been vetoed by the Governor.

It's no coincidence that a wealthy special-interest group stated last spring that repealing Parental Notice was their #1 priority.

This absolutely corrupt, immature and ignorant behavior - by politicians who brazenly receive huge donations from abortion advocacy special interest groups - ignores the will of the people, the most basic common sense, and concern for the safety and well-being of minor girls.

The manner in which the bill was shoved through, without allowing citizens sufficient time to file witness slips or have an opportunity to testify in opposition, is completely unacceptable. These legislators are supposed to be representing the People of Illinois and passing laws that protect the innocent, not repealing them.


Parental Notice was Hailed as an Essential Safeguard for Girls

Parental Notification required abortion facilities to notify an adult family member 48 hours ahead of performing an abortion on a minor girl. For girls in extenuating circumstances, such as abuse by an adult family member, no notification was required. Illinois' Parental Notice law had been hailed by girls' advocates, anti-trafficking experts and others as an essential safeguard to protect girls from traffickers and predators.

Leading anti-trafficking expert Laura Lederer of Global Centurion urged legislators not to repeal it, stating, "Illinois’ current law on parental notice of abortion offers a key opportunity to recognize and free a trafficking victim from a lifetime of slavery."

Dr. Brook Bello, anti-trafficking activist and recipient of the Presidential Lifetime Achievement Award from Barack Obama, stated that “If my mother had had to be notified, she might have been able to find me." 

During the House debate, Representative Chris Bos spoke eloquently about a young girl he'd met at Illinois' only home for minors who are survivors of human trafficking, The young girl had been rescued from sex slavery  and exploitation because her parents had been notified by the abortion clinic when she was taken there by a trafficker seeking to conceal evidence of his crime.

A recent study in California showed that 65% of teen pregnancies were fathered by men older than 20.

The Illinois legislature just voted to empower predators and pimps against Illinois girls. When they bring in a young girl for an abortion, they no longer have to be concerned that her parents will be notified. It's as if Illinois is hanging an "Open for Business" sign for predators to welcome them right in.

Since notification had taken effect in 2013, abortions among minors had dropped significantly in Illinois. 


The only remedy: Vote them out

Any State Representative or State Senator who voted for this repeal should be voted out of office. This is Government Gone Wrong. They knew the vast majority of their constituents on both sides of the aisle opposed the repeal, but they couldn't resist that money flowing into their campaign coffers.

The legislators who voted for repeal listened to those who literally profit financially from its passage. They repealed a good law that worked, that protected girls and the rights of parents. The legislators who voted for repeal put money and reelection above doing what's right. 

To find how your State Representative voted an hour ago on the repeal, click here. 

To find how your State Senator voted last night (Tuesday night), click here. 

Look up my who my legislators are

While we are disappointed, we must persevere. This injustice cannot stand. Illinois girls and parents deserve better. The time is NOW to get involved and make a difference by electing legislators who actually represent their constituents and protect our girls!


“Illinois’ current law on parental notice of abortion offers a key opportunity to recognize and free a trafficking victim from a lifetime of slavery."

-Dr. Laura Lederer, leading anti-trafficking expert, Global Centurion Foundation

HB 370 Amendments 1 & 2 Would Repeal Parental Notice and Empower Sexual Predators Against Young Girls

  • Repealing parental notification allows older men and sex traffickers to use abortion to conceal evidence of their sexual abuse of minor girls. The average age of a trafficked girl is 13.

  • 32% of teen mothers ages 15-17 are impregnated by men older than 20. (National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy)

  • A March 2021 poll by the Tarrance Group shows that 72% of Illinoisians are in favor of keeping the Parental Notice of Abortion law, with support even higher among people of Color. Every state bordering IL requires notification or consent. 

  • The current Illinois Parental Notice of Abortion Act already provides procedures for girls in extenuating circumstances to obtain an abortion without notifying an adult family member: (1) a judicial waiver for those not wishing to inform their parents and (2) a blanket waiver for minors who attest to abuse at home.

  • In Illinois, a nurse can't give a minor an aspirin, nor can a girl get her ears pierced, without the permission (not just notification) of a parent or guardian. 

  • Parents who don’t know about an abortion are unable to provide appropriate aftercare for their girls, such as extra support, counseling, or ensuring she is not at school or another public place when she passes the fetal remains.

Girls' Health First Takes a Stand Against The Repeal of the Illinois Parental Notice of Abortion Act

Teens and parents need to talk. But sometimes a teen in a crisis may not go to the person who can best provide emotional, financial and spiritual support - a parent or legal guardian. Or worse, an abusive adult tries to prevent the teen from speaking to her parent or guardian in order to cover up their own wrongdoing.


That's why Illinois has the commonsense Parental Notice of Abortion Law - to protect Illinois girls and help parents support their kids through tough times.


The Illinois Parental Notice of Abortion law requires a parent or legal guardian to be notified before an abortion is performed on a minor (age 17 and under). 72% of Illinoisians support this law, and support is even greater among People of Color!


Unfortunately, wealthy special interest groups wish to repeal this essential safeguard for Illinois girls. HB 370 Amendments 1&2 are being rushed through the Illinois legislature during the Fall veto session against the will of the people. They claim that notice to a parent or guardian is too burdensome, but notice is legally required for a minor to use an indoor tanning bed, get a body piercing, go on a field trip, or get an aspirin from the school nurse.


Girls' Health First is a group of concerned women and girls. We stand united in our support to defeat these harmful bills and keep Parental Notice to protect vulnerable girls. 

Did you know? The average age of a trafficked girl is 13.

Put girls’ safety over predators’ preferences. Please urge your State Representative in Springfield to vote NO on the Parental Notice repeal.
Hands Off Parental Notice.


Girls deserve EVERY safeguard against abuse that society can offer.

"Hands Off" Yard Signs

Show your support for the right for parents to know and help their minor daughter, before an abortion is performed on her. 


Abortion is a life altering medical procedure that affects more than one person.  


By putting a yard sign in your yard or at your business, you'll bring awareness to your community about the harmful movement to strip concerned parents of a fundamental right in addition to an important safeguard for abused and manipulated girls.

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Tuesday, March 23, 2021

My Half of the Sky

121 W. Wesley St., Wheaton, IL



What About Our Girls?

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Featuring Renee Pollino,

Founder of My Half of the Sky

Hanging with Miss Illinois
Girls in Action
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"Always be a first-rate version of yourself instead of a second-rate version of somebody else"
-Judy Garland
Girls' Health First is an initiative of Illinois Citizens for Ethics PAC

Girls' Health First is an initiative of concerned women and girls with diverse viewpoints that receives some support from Illinois Citizens for Ethics PAC. We seek to educate our communities and engage with public officials on important matters pertaining to the health and safety of girls. We invite you to join with us in this mission.


Girls' Health First |  PO Box 101158, Chicago, Illinois 60610 

A copy of our report filed with the State Board of Elections is (or will be) available on the Board’s official website ( or for purchase from the State Board of Elections, Springfield, Illinois. Please note that contributions to ICE-PAC are not tax-deductible.

© 2019 by Girls' Health First, an outreach of Illinois Citizens for Ethics PAC

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